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Do you need to hire an Owner's Representative?

March 21st, 2016 by Catie McMenamin

Some businesses operate with a lean staff and know they will hire an Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) for their construction projects. Others have an entire department to manage construction work. However, lots of you fall in between. So, are you better off hiring an outside representative to manage your construction project?

First ask yourself these two questions:

  1. Does our internal team have the time, experience and knowledge to run the project successfully without sacrificing other job responsibilities?
  2. Do we produce building projects on a regular basis?

If you answered “no” to either of these questions, hiring an OPM may be the right decision for you.


What services will you receive from an OPM?

The OPM uses his or her experience to act on your behalf without tying up valuable time and resources within your organization. Some of the OPM’s responsibilities may include:

  • Providing the roadmap for your project (municipal approvals, etc.)
  • Managing procurement of other project team members and their contracts
  • Coordinating roles and responsibilities between the architect and contractor
  • Informing you when decisions need to be made
  • Telling you about potential risks and how they can be mitigated
  • Reviewing the scope of your proposed program to be sure it meets your goals and objectives
  • Monitoring budget, providing cost control and projections
  • Providing you with one point of contact for the project
  • Managing your consultants and vendors (commissioning, furniture, etc.)


When should you bring an OPM on board?

The earlier in the process you can hire an OPM, the better. Ideally the OPM would be hired during the planning phase to be able to contribute the most to you and your organization. You should clearly communicate to the OPM your goals for the project, any concerns you may have, the challenges you anticipate and which one of you will be responsible for holding the other project team members accountable.


What are the keys to a successful partnership?

The number one key to a successful partnership with an OPM is clearly defining the OPM’s role and responsibilities. The OPM can be involved in a purely advisory role, as a fully entrenched member of the team or anywhere in between. Defining these expectations from the outset makes it clear to the OPM what you are expecting from him or her, so there is no misunderstanding about the OPM’s level of involvement.


Contact us to learn more about how C.E. Floyd can help you with your next construction project.

Posted in the category Planning Process.